Monday, August 29, 2011


We got our referral on August 22, 2011! I cannot describe to you the excitement that I had when Jonathan jumped into the living room and said, “We got a referral, come here!" I ran into the office, and of course Cole did to, and we listened as our social worker told us all about our little girl. I cannot wait until I can share with you all the stories about Grace, but they will have to wait until we get her home with us..

I want to share with you what I wrote in my journal on the 23rd. It is a prayer to God and me talking to Grace:
When we got the referral joy leaped through my soul! Finally, a face to go with the name, the name meaning favor. God's favor that I know He has bestowed upon your precious, beautiful self. To hear the story about you broke my heart, but God heard our prayers. So many people have been praying for you since the beginning. Your grandparents, (that by the way have moved back to Columbus, just to be part of your life), family, friends, and people in churches from all around the United States and even Africa and Thailand.  The timing was so amazing and God knew where you were, Grace, and He had favor on you and placed you safely in an orphanage. Grace, God has such a special plan for your life and you are His. We have the awesome privilege to be your earthly parents but God, the Father to the fatherless, is your heavenly Father who loves you so much more then I could fathom. Your life is in His hands. He named you Grace when you were in your mother’s womb and picked Jonathan and I to be your parents before the world began. Your daddy and I have such a peace about you and we are praying everyday for you. I pray that you are taken care of, that His heavenly angels surround you and keep you safe from harm. I hope He gives you dreams about us because He is giving us dreams and it makes me all the more ready to hold you in my arms.

I want to tell you about your earthly father as well. He is an amazing man of God, and you already have him wrapped around your finger. God wakes him up at night and he is praying for you and he can't wait to hold you in his arms. He had an amazing father and such an awesome example to go by. He will be there for you and will support you. He will teach you what is most important in life and that is Jesus Christ. He will show you what it means to go and make disciples, no matter how old you are. He will show you how a man should treat a woman and how you should be honored and loved, which is the same as Christ loves the church. I can already see the sparkle in his eye as he looks at you with joy and love. I see you both zonked out on the couch, tired from the park and the hot sun. I see him saying by to you as you go to your first day of school and wondering where the time has gone.  Most of all I can not wait to see him baptize you after you have made the biggest decision of your life, to follow Jesus, no matter the cost.Taking you shopping and telling you that you will not date until you are 21, because no man will be good enough for his daughter. You Grace, are a special girl and God willing, will grow up to be a godly woman after God's heart. You have the most amazing dad and I can't wait for you to meet him. We are the luckiest girls!

The Journey Begins!

September 29, 2010, Jonathan and I set on the ledge looking out over the city of Kigali, Rwanda in the heart of Africa. We sat there talking about what God had done over the past week. I remember as if it was yesterday: Jonathan looked at me and said, "I feel God wants us to adopt." and I said, "Yes we should!" We were so excited to see what God had instore for us and so anxious to get back to America and start the process.

I will admit I had no idea how hard and trying the process would be, and I am talking about just picking an adoption agency and the country we wanted to adopt from. God knew, and one day in the mail a packet came in from America World. I sat outside, and as I opened and pulled the flap back on the light blue packet it read, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah  29:11. When I started to read about America World, God's word was saturated throughout the information and the testimonials. I was sold on the agency, and I was so ready for Jonathan to get home so he could look over everything! Now why Russia? Because that is where our daughter is, and God knew this and had it planned since the beginning of time.

  On November 3, 2010, we were accepted and approved for adoption. We were sitting in Atlanta Bread, and the call came from our agency. It was such an exciting moment, and for the first time, my emotions started, and that wouldn't be the last. We had a daughter...Was she born? How old is she? What is she doing? What does she look like? Is she safe? Is she in a good orphanage? When God would I hold her in my arms? I longed to hold her in my arms and hug and kiss her. I felt she was out there and I prayed that she was longing for a mom and dad as much as we were so eager to have our daughter.

The name Grace. Jonathan and I were at Buffalo Wild Wings one night, talking about names. Jonathan, as most guys probably do, said 1 good name for every 20 silly names that came out of his mouth. This went on for what felt like 30 minutes. Then he said "Grace," and I said, "I like it, but let's keep on thinking of names." Like most women, I had the name I wanted already predetermined, so no other name sounded as good in the moment. The next day, Jonathan, Cole, and I went to Barnes& Noble to look at baby name books. Just imagine two guys talking about baby names; it was a joke fest and nothing more. Then Cole had an idea to look for the name Taylor. We could then see what name is right above Taylor and put it together to see if it sounds good. Then Cole said Grace Taylor, and of course Jonathan said, "I told you," and again his name was winning out. We were beginning to wonder if God was showing us the name Grace. Friday night rolled around, and of course in the fall, what else is there to do but go to a highschool football game? Jonathan is the chaplain for Central High School sports, so he is always on the field for every game. That night, Troy Cook came with Cole and I to the football game. During the game I leaned over to Troy and asked him, "What is your favorite girl name?" He paused and looked at me and said, "GRACE!" Our mouths dropped; we were stunned. I even thought that Jonathan had told Troy before hand to say that, but Troy hadn't talked to Jonathan. At that moment I told God, "I get it God, her name is Grace." The confirmation on her name was amazing and just one more reason why my God is so great!