Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last week- A little humor from daddy

Day 352. Well, maybe it hasn’t been that long but it sure does seem like it. There are two movies that I am going to compare my life too in this blog. Let me first begin with the one that relates the most to this trip as a whole. If you are into classic horror psycho movies then you will completely understand what I’m about to say. In the movie “The Shining” Jack Nicholson moves his family into a resort to care for it during the winter months. Seems easy enough. Get paid, make some money… all by just taking care of an abandon resort during the winter.  Little did he know that the place would ultimately get the best of him when he realizes that it was haunted by past guests, bitterly cold outside, and too far from any form of civilization. He loses his mind and talks to ghosts, and tries to kill his family! How does that relate to me? I’m so glad you asked! I’m stuck for 3 weeks in Russia, its 17 degrees outside, the air feels like razors on your skin, only 2 people at McDonalds speak English, I’m sick of Russian Sausage, wife has been sick for a week, there taking all of my money, my 10 day waiting period is up yet I’m still here, No TV, Internet is a block away (did I mention the temp), and I have to spend Christmas here! So, I’m feeling a little bit like Jack right now in the movie! I’m needing a good dose of Alabama back in my life to help me get back to some sense of sanity!
Now, on to the second movie. Two days ago I sat down in a car with a complete stranger, alone, who barely spoke any English. Our facilitator’s car broke down and was in need of repair. I was informed that morning that we would be taken to the orphanage over the next few days by someone named Nic. He was a college student with a nice car. In Russia, this already makes me nervous… how does this guy get a new car? He drove a black car with black tinted windows. Hmmm…??? I felt like Hollywood would soon be filming the second installment of “Taken”. Except I was going to be kidnapped and sold as a slave in Russia bye a guy named Nic. As we sped out of the parking lot, it was no less comforting that we were blaring Russian Rap music as well as some very strange violin techno beats. As we cruised down the two lane road at a good 75+ mph I was playing over and over in my head how the scenario was going to play out. Would I jump from the car or would I grab the pen in the door pocket and stab him? These thoughts and more consumed me as we traveled to the orphanage. “Taken 2” The Adoption.
Needless to say, this big Russian college student turned out to be a nice guy who is going into dentistry and will probably die of lung cancer due to his chain smoking. Sad to say… everyone here is a chain smoker and a drinker. However, I completely understand why. Out of the week and a half we have been here. The sun has not graced us with its presence nor does the forecast call for it to throughout the remainder of the trip. If dark clouds, rain, snow, ice, freezing razor sharp wind, and gloom is your cup of tea… then let me recommend this place to you! It covers every one of those descriptions 100%!
During this week Jessica has been sick. Which means, that I had the chance to spend some daddy daughter time with the rug rat! We had a blast playing with all the junk toys that the orphanage has to offer while all the while inhaling the fumes of leaking natural gas! Neither one of us seemed to mind in the moment. Afterwards I felt a little queasy, but who cares. It was some good times. I took lots of pictures while she played dress up with the toboggan and gloves. I realized that she likes music and walking back and forth on what looks like a rope latter. I think it may be used to help babies learn how to balance and walk. Not real sure.
Well, we have one more week left in Voronezh before we board a train and head back to Moscow on the 26th. As excited as I am to get there because it means we only have 3 more days, I am not excited about paying 350 dollars a night at the hotel. For those reading this…. I have to turn the negativity into humor… or else Hollywood may make “The Shinning 2”. Farewell faithful followers! Until we read again!

1 comment:

  1. God bless your and Jessia's sweet hearts!!! I thought it was hard being pregnant the first time, I was sick from the time I woke up until the time I went to bed every day of my pregnancy. they put me on some med that years later they took off the market because it was causing brain damage to babies, I took it for 7 months, God blessed me with a healthy baby...when I was about 8 months with each pregnancy I cried because of the state the world was in and I was bringing an innocent child into it that didn't ask to be here....not to mention the weight gain and 18 hours of labor with the first one. but with all this, I think it was easier than what you two have been through to get little Grace...she is so Blessed "But don't know it yet" to have parents like you and Jessica! I Pray Jessica is feeling better soon, and time flys until y'all are back here in good ol Alabama! and in time to see Bama bring the Title back to the State!!! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!! lol Merry Christmas.... Sareh Thorne
